
It’s the age old story…The woman gets the ring so she obviously needs to hurry and get in perfect shape for the best day of her life. Trust me, I have already had moments where I try to strategize a way to look ideal on my wedding day. I first want to say, do not worry about the pressure of “looking perfect” because no matter what you look like on that day, you will look perfect. I’ve always heard your wedding day is the best day of your life so please do not ruin it for yourself! Love yourself! Today I am sharing a few tips and tricks that have helped me being my sweating for the wedding journey. I hope you enjoy and if you have any words of advice let me know! I’ll be sure to keep you all updated!

list1   This method to my madness is probably the most effective. One has to realize if you are going to lose the weight, it is not going to drop off automatically (I wish!). Therefore, set mini goals along the way. 5, 10, or 15 pounds can all be markers depending on how much you want to lose. If time is permitting, set wedding related goals! Things like  ” I want to lose _____ pounds before I try on wedding dresses” or ” I want to lose _______ pounds before we take our engagement photos”. If you’re engagement length allows for these types of goals, then set them! It kind of tricks my mind because I am thinking about how excited I am to get there rather than how long it is taking.

list2   They say journaling helps the soul and while I am not one for journaling everything, I do believe this really helps! Write down why you want to do this and go beyond the “I just want to be skinny”. It goes a lot deeper than that and you may not even realize it until you really stop and consider it! One of my biggest reasons why is because my whole entire life I have dreamed of my wedding day. The way I look, the dress I wear, the flowers I hold, etc. So the last thing I want is something holding me back from what I’ve always dreamed of! There are a lot of things you cant control when planning your wedding, but you can control this! Overall, really think about why and when you realize all the reasons why, it will motivate to keep going.

list3  Okay, the last thing my fiance needs to do is lose weight, but having that partner and encouragement really helps! He knows my reasons for wanting this so he helps push me to my goals. Since he wants to help, we created little schedules together. For example, we go to the gym together at least three times a week. This doesn’t mean he is my personal trainer three times a week (no way!), but rather he makes sure I actually go three  times a week! Having your best friend/soon to be Mr. on board really helps the whole process. The accountability will keep you going when you feel like giving in and celebrate with you when you’re getting closer!

list4  Self-explanatory. Do not too hard on yourself. When you beat yourself up about things, you always want to just forget about it! Know that the process takes time and effort. If you slip up, bounce back! It will all be worth it in the end!

list5  As I’ve said earlier, think about the end result. The best is yet to come so keep on going!